How to Improve Landing Page Conversions - 1:1 Attention Ratio

Landing Page Design, Lead Generation
Allen Bayless

Updated 6/24/22

Let's talk about one area of focus to improve landing page conversions. We’ve gained a lot of experience designing and developing landing pages. From many tests, we see that results can vary from industry to industry, goal to goal. There are results that we see happen across the board as well. One thing is clear, page visitors need to stay focused on one aim, one goal. Here comes the attention ratio.

In landing page design the attention ratio is the number of links or actions compared to the number of goals you have with your campaigns. Thus you could have a 10:1 ratio. Which means 10 links or actions on the page with one conversion goal in mind. Some landing pages have 12:1 or 2:1. A 1:1 attention ratio is best. And every campaign has 1 goal in mind.

What should you do with your landing page when using 1:1 attention ratio

A 1:1 attention ratio means no to extra links, social sharing and even getting rid of a navigation menu. Having something higher than a 1:1 can overwhelm your visitors with too many choices to “exit” out. If you have a Google Ads campaign running and it was to sell a product what do you want your visitors to be doing? Become a lead & buy the product. If you were offering a download of special content then you want people to give up their email address. Therefore, having a form as the only action to take on the page is a 1:1 ratio. Trying to get free trial signups for your application? Making the signup form the only action to take will increase your conversion rate. In all of these situations, any more actions than the true purpose would lower your conversion rate.

Now you may be thinking do I need to have only 1 link on my landing page then? Not exactly. You can have a landing page with a lot of copy. It will be wise in this situation to place many CTA’s within your page as long as it’s to the same conversion goal.

Wait, you said get rid of your navigation menu. Yes, but having a navigation menu that has anchor links should be fine. Which means a link that goes to a certain part of your page. For instance, a “Testimonial” link takes users down to your testimonial section. Having links to a Privacy Policy is fine. Keep that at the bottom of the page.

When you practice a 1:1 attention ratio for your landing page not only are you increasing your conversion rates, but this will also help you with testing. It’s more straightforward to focus on how many clicks your CTA button(s) are getting.

Comparing Landing Page Designs that Use 1:1 to Those Who Don’t

MuleSoft’s goal on this page is to have visitors download a handbook. Do you see any other links?

Unbounce kept it true to having only 1 action to download their ebook.

At first, this application looks to have 1 action to download the app. Then immediately you see another button to buy gift cards.

If Blue Apron’s goal is for people to sign up for an account they’ve done that well below.

Hearsay was using PPC to drive traffic to this page. They want you to request a demo, but would you view more products or services too?

Stampli’s PPC ad drives you to a landing page that offers a 30-day trial and nothing else.

The success of your ad campaigns comes from having dedicated landing pages with a message that matches your campaign goal. With a 1:1 attention ratio you increase your landing page conversion rate with your campaigns. Remember to test, test, test.

Testing Your 1:1 Landing Page

Before you proceed in making a landing page with a 1:1 attention ratio you will want to consider a few tools to help with testing.


If you want to create variations of your landing page you can do so with Unbounce. We recommend and use the tool as well. Unbounce will let you create a landing page with many variations. Imagine being able to make your 1:1 landing page and then have another variation with a different look or copy. Unbounce lets you control the amount of times variations are shown to your visitors. Their tool allows you to determine which landing page variation performs better.

Unbounce - Landing Page Tool


This tool allows you to record your landing page visitors providing you to visually see how they react to a 1:1 landing page. It's great to determine if you see any improvements to make. Then there is their heatmap tool. Heatmaps can visually let you see what areas your visitors are clicking the most, how far they scroll and how different devices perform. Hotjar also provides you ways to create surveys, polls and funnels.

Hotjar - Landing Page Tool

Now You Know Why 1:1 Attention Ratio is Important

Remember one goal in mind is the objective when you have online traffic going to your landing page. Whether if you're promoting a product or trying to have a lead magnet make sure you have your visitors focus on one thing only. Which is what you want them to do.

Do you need to improve your landing pages? Get in touch with us.