If you're trying to get the attention of your audience, you can never go into a project in business thinking they will come if you just build it (yesterday was father's day after all). Lead Generation strategy is never exactly easy. Just because you may have a great product, software or service absolutely does not mean customers will flock to you.
This is especially true if your aim is to increase your B2B lead generation. You're going to need a strategy that fits the modern mindsets of business owners today. Failing to tap into the mediums they're using can lead to strong risks, including losing prospects to your competitors!
In this quick guide, we'll go over some of the B2B lead generation strategies you can start using today.
Let's begin!
The Tools of the Trade
When it comes to building a successful lead generation strategy, you need the right tools. And since we live in a digital age, it's no surprise that this consists of blogs, SEO, PPC campaigns, and social media platforms.
If you can strategically combine these tools together, your B2B lead generation results will soar. How do we know? Because 96% of B2B buyers want content from industry thought leaders to help with their purchasing decisions.
Next, we're going to take a look at how you can use these four tools to win over your B2B customers.
Capture Leads with PPC Marketing
When you want quick results, PPC campaigns are your best friend. These ads go up right away and don't come down until your daily budget is depleted.
And if you choose the right keywords and ad copy, you can get a whole lot of clicks in a short period of time. It's a great tool to use for when you have a sale going on for a high-value product or service.
For instance, say you have a 50% off deal on your web hosting service for medium-sized businesses. Then you can advertise this and build a sense of urgency for your prospects to act.
While this is a great way to boost your conversions, there's another way you can use PPC marketing. Paid ads are perfect for driving traffic to landing pages that capture leads. You can offer something for free in exchange for their email address.
These are what you call lead magnets. Different types of magnets you can use include e-books, white papers, case studies, and other forms of content with exclusive access.
Drive Traffic with Content Marketing
Your blog is a great asset for your B2B website. As we mentioned earlier, B2B customers are looking for thought leaders in your industry. With a blog, you can demonstrate your knowledge, expertise, and insights.
In turn, this will help to build your authority and recognition. Once your audience trusts your brand, they're more likely to purchase from it.
As for the type of content you publish, you should focus on giving information that's valuable and tactical where possible. For example, you can research the pain points of your target customer and then offer solutions to them in your posts.
With consistency, you can yield some amazing results. Just take Crowe Horwath, for example. He generated 48 pieces of content geared towards C-level customers with $1+ billion in assets.
His content consisted of case studies, executive briefs, Q&As, infographics, checklists, and videos. The campaign awarded him 778 contacts and a 70% open rate. And in the end, the revenue from user engagement was around $250,000.
The more you know your audience, the easier it'll be to engage them. And when your audience is engaged, they're more likely to share your content.
And this is where your next tool will come in handy.
Build Awareness with Social Media
It's hard to gain traction for your business website if no one can find it. This is why social media is a must-have for your lead strategy.
The right platforms can put your brand right in front of your prospects. Nonetheless this will take some legwork to pull off. After you've created your social media profile (which you should be doing from the beginning of creating your business), you're going to have to start building your list of followers.
You can do this with a mix of social ads, content boosting (paying for your posts to be seen), and networking. The last one is critical to your social media marketing.
You'll need to both engage with your audience in conversations, as well as influencers. If you can get on the radar of influencers, you can have your brand mentioned in one of their tweets sent to their thousands of followers.
Joining in discussions with your audience will also position your brand as an authority. Answer questions in groups, forums, and other platforms your customers use to get information.
Once your business profile starts getting attention, more people will follow it. And once they're following it, then they can read, share, and comment on your posts.
Make sure to share your blog posts on your social media to help drive traffic to your website.
Get Long-Term Traffic with SEO
Search engine optimization is the secret sauce to it all. It's what will help bring targeted traffic to your business website for a long time.
Your social media and content marketing will greatly help your SEO efforts. Google ranks websites based on user engagement, your authority, and the relevancy of your content.
Keyword optimization is still necessary, but not as important as developing content that's informative and engaging.
You'll need to do thorough research on what keywords your audience is using. Then implement those keywords and its synonyms (LSI keywords) throughout your site and blog content.
B2B Lead Generation Done Right
One way to ensure your B2B lead generation campaign goes well is to work with experts. If you're a business owner, you don't have the time to sit down, research, test, and implement lead generation strategies.
And this is where we come in. The professionals at HookLead provide digital marketing services that'll help drive leads to your web properties.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help bring qualified B2B leads to your website.
Updated 7/14/2020