Building a good landing page design is only successful from the testing that is done. We work with clients to help build and test custom landing page design to help with their goals. Along the way we've discovered some of the best landing page design tips. We've collected a few of the tips to share with you below.
Hide that Nav Menu on your Landing Page Design
Yes, no navigation menu. If you're not already hiding your navigation menu we recommend to do so now. Why? Simple. Your top menu should not be the focus of your landing page's objective. A navigation menu is well of course at the top of your website. By cutting the menu out your site visitor will follow on through the landing page design as expected. Hopefully, converting on the call to action.
Relevant and Short Headlines
We consider the headline one of the most easiest and fastest way to make a change for testing. Your headline should not be too complicated. Limit yourself from trying to be too creative or unique. Test with the most direct and relevant headline first. Don't try to be too lengthy with these titles in these first tests. If you want to get inside your potential lead's mind make the headline answer what they want. When you think of the title begin saying "I need to..." and complete the sentence with the value you're providing them. For example, "I need to manage expenses quickly" can become the headline "Manage Expenses Quickly".
Word Play on CTA Buttons
One thing that is usually tested with call-to-action buttons is changing the color. From red, green to yellow the variations are almost endless. Since a pastel orange might look good on one landing page and a dark orange may look good on another. But to take it a step further try focusing more on the phrase of the button. If everyone uses "Buy Now" or "Download for Free" and all landing page visitors notice this from one page to another do you think it's convincing? Probably not. Let's take a look at some PDF weightloss guide for example, instead of trying to convert a lead with "Download your Free Guide Now" test out "Yes, I Want to Start Losing Weight".
The Weight of the Font
It's amazing how often we run into "can we use a different font for this headline, another font for the sub headlines and yes, let's try this font with the paragraph". Honestly, we think it's better to stay with only one font for the landing page design and adjusting different weights for the title, headlines and paragraph. Different weights simply mean light, normal, bold and bolder. Trust us, you're not going to suddenly trick someone to focus on a particular section or element just because the font is different from the 5 other fonts on the page. If you absolutely feel like the page needs some different font choices only use about 2 font choices. Three would be the maximum.
Cut Featured Items Down
We get it, you have all of these testimonials and you think it'll be good to showcase all of them. If you're A/B testing then try this out. One variation show 2 of your greatest testimonials and the other variation with 10 testimonials. Why do we think the one with just 2 testimonials is preferable? Well, it's proven that you can convince a customer with little as possible. Especially when it's your best material. This will give a sense of decluttering or doesn't give them too much to take in. Have something to feature like portfolio or awards? Cut it down. Remember, we need them to convert not get caught up in so much fluff.
We have given some great tips to try and test with your next landing page design. We're sure you'll be able to see a difference when you follow our advice. If you want to learn about more tips and the value we provide find out more about our custom landing page design.