5 Example Marketing Strategies to Improve Sales

Lead Generation
Zack Hanebrink

A well built marketing strategy can have a dramatic impact on sales. Below are 5 example marketing strategies to improve sales and maximize your marketing dollars.

Know your audience

Any successful marketing strategy always begins with knowing your audience. It's important to never skip this step as you'll need to know what resonates with your target market in order to effectively communicate with them. Simply beginning marketing tactics will not be enough to really move the sales needle.

Perform persona research to define what your ideal customer looks like and what makes them tick. This information will drive your marketing messaging, targeting and which marketing channels to use.


Often times paid advertising can get a bad rap. This is only the case when campaigns are not structured and measured correctly. The beauty of digital advertising is the data you build and how simple it can be to track important metrics. Knowing your paid digital advertising conversion rates and cost-per-acquisition is crucial to success.

Paid advertising gives you the opportunity to control your traffic. This can be done from choosing which keywords to bid on as well as demographic, behavior and interest targeting. As long as you have a decent advertising budget, this can often be the quickest marketing strategy to improve sales.

Add new conversion opportunities

Assuming you already have website traffic, a quick marketing strategy win to improve sales is to add new conversion opportunities to your website. All to often I see websites that simply rely on one or two conversions forms such as Contact Us and maybe a Request Demo or Schedule a Showing. Most of the time, these types of conversions only capture those who could be ready to buy right now, wouldn't you like to convert interested prospects who may be ready to buy later as well?

Use top-of-funnel offers to build your prospect and email list. This builds the traffic you control (your list) and gives you the opportunity to nurture prospects through the buyers journey to become hot leads and sales.

Develop marketing and sales processes

You would be amazed at how much of a difference a well planned marketing process or a new sales process can have. There are always ways to optimize both for improved processes and higher conversion rates.

For example, on the marketing side, build marketing funnels to generate, nurture and convert visitors to sales. On the sales side, research how to improve your processes (you do have a sales process right). Are there additional steps to your process that could increase conversions, a common objection you could overcome in your marketing? Find ways to optimize and improve your existing processes.

Track KPI's

It still baffles me how many companies don't know or track important marketing KPI's. For example, I'll hear that something works well or doesn't, but there won't be any knowledge of what the conversion rate is. In order to improve your marketing, you need actionable data. For example, are you paying for clicks on Google AdWords for keywords that have never generated a lead or sale? If you're not tracking and analyzing KPI's, you can't properly optimize and improve. Data based optimizations are extremely powerful!

If you want more business, try these marketing strategies to improve your sales. For more information on what marketing metrics to track, download our free eBook below.